Sunday, February 27, 2011

C4K Comments 1,2,3

Comment 1
I first read and commented on Banana’s blog. In her introductory post, titled “my life”, she introduced herself to the reader. She also discusses her family, her favorite sport, and her favorite subject in school.

In my comment, I thanked Banana for sharing a little bit of herself with her readers. She was a very good writer and she mentioned that she liked writing, so I encouraged her to keep writing. She had also mentioned that she had a lot of great stories to tell about her life, so I suggested that she write down some of her stories.

Comment 2
I accidentally read and commented on the wrong podcast, but when I realized it, I went back and comment on the correct one. The podcast I was supposed to comment on first was by Mubasshira and Jarna in Room 17 at Pt. England School. The girls had done a podcast on the book ‘The Princess Test”. It was in the form of an interview and question and pictures of the girls were included to enhance their message.

I commented on their blog how both girls did a good job of both interviewing and answering the questions well. After I watched their podcast, I really understood what the book was about so I let the girls know that as well because I think it means their podcast was a success. At the end, they won’t tell what the outcome of the book is. Instead, they tell the viewer where they can buy the book. I told the girls I thought this was great also because it hopefully gets other interested in the book and reading.

Comment 3
On February 24, Mary, a student in Room 16 at Pt. England school in Auckland, New Zealand posted to her blog about the recent earthquake in Christchurch. She included a photograph of the devastation with her post that helped explain to her readers the magnitude of this natural disaster. She included details that she saw on the television when she came home from school and learned of the earthquake.

I commented on Mary’s blog post how sad I was to hear about this earthquake. I also thought it was important that Mary be commended for sharing her country’s news with the world. This is an important benefit of blogs and I thought it should be brought to her attention.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,

    What a wonderful post. I loved reading the things you said in your comments. The thing that made me want to read this post is how you said the names of the people that actually did the posts and podcasts. That was very kind of you.

    P.S Thanks for commenting on my podcast, The Princess Test. I really appreciate it and it sure makes me happy. Thanks once again. If you would like to check out my blog, then here is the link:

    Your Sincerely,
    Mubasshira from Pt England School
