Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog Assignmen 13

screen shot ALEX website

The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students (ACCESS) program is an organization designed to provide high school students in the State of Alabama with a quality education. Their motto as stated on their home page is “providing classroom courses and teachers via technology”. The program does this by providing students with access to highly qualified teachers and lessons through technology. The website has resources for students, teachers, and parents.

I think this program is a wonderful one, but it doesn’t come without a few obstacles. I think it’s great that ALEX is providing students with access to an exceptional education through technology, but the actual program is only available to high school students. I understand that elementary students and parents can still find and apply the resources provided on the internet, but elementary students deserve an ACCESS program as well. Also, I see the possibility for disciple problems in this program.

ALEX is another initiative from the state of Alabama. It provides teachers with various resources that they could need. The website provides such resources as courses of study, web links, and lesson plans. It allows teachers to search for ideas for their classrooms and get inspiration from others. I think this program will be especially useful when I get my own classroom. I have worked with this website before, and found numerous sources and ideas.

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